How Top Have a Great Church by Dr. Jerry Vines
As Moses concluded his final address to Israel, he recognized that his time of leadership was coming to an end.
Blessings/Curses & Life/Death
Lesson Idea: God calls us to be obedient to receive blessings instead of curses and life instead of death.
Offering First Fruits
Lesson Idea: We should give the first of our time, talents, and possessions to the Lord because every good thing we have is because of the love, power and provision of our Lord.
Rules about Relationships
Lesson Idea: God commands His people to honor marriage and care for the needs of the underprivileged.
Test of a True Prophet
Lesson Idea: We should care for God's ministers, but test their messages and be sure they speak the Lord's Word.
Following The Lord Alone
God calls His people to follow Him alone